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- Sun Apr 02, 2006 12:45 pm
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: Kel Tec Information Request
- Replies: 12
- Views: 1618
- Fri Mar 31, 2006 7:09 pm
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: Kel Tec Information Request
- Replies: 12
- Views: 1618
I recomend the KT P32 or anything other than the 3AT. .32 totally reliable. I have bought 2 of the 3AT's. How do you get two that will not run?? KT does not know either. Bought one for Mom. FTE. Bought another from a forum member that had wrist trouble & could not handle it. Ran less than 50 rounds & the trigger failed. Will not reset. Most that have had a problem w/ them say they get good response & service from KT. Both times I had nothing but trouble from them in the service dept. 1st time they would not accept it back unless I shipped it from an FFL dealer & insured it. They refused to pay the freight. Much more haggle than space here. Finally got them to send me parts at no chg & I pd a gunsmith here to install. 2nd time. Told me they had a pick up plan w/ UPS. They would pick it up at my house. Trouble there is won't even give you a guaranteed day of pickup. I had to take off work & if they did not come that day then stay home another. That puts twice the gun price in it. Finally go them to agree to send me the pick up slip & me take the gun in to UPS. Great, will be emailed to you tomorrow. Monday. Friday still no shipping slip. O scuse me longtooth, you did not give us your physical address & we have to have it. Told them which email to check & that they had it for just over a week. My email response was "We will get it out Monday". Since they have had it we have had several mails back & forth. All polite but not one we are sorry that you have had trouble. They have had it for just over a month now & say it should be shipped next week some time.