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by tehlump
Thu Sep 15, 2005 8:28 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Poll: Reasons you have not gotten a CHL?
Replies: 273
Views: 66929

I would say that the number of problems reported by CHL holders has less to do with the 'training' we received and more to do with the fact that only the most motivated and consequently responsible individuals are likely to put up with the hoops one is requred to jump through in order to receive a CHL.

The riff-raff is not at large with CHLs. I would be willing to bet that the vast majority of CHL holders are white, male, upper middle class and >30-40 years old. Not exactly prime demographics for troublemakers. I know that my class consisted of ~25 people. Here's how it broke down as I remember it.

17 older, retired looking men-all white
1 retirement age woman (wife of one of the men-one of the best shots!)
me-29, white
3 younger guys all in their early 20's-all college students, white
3 younger black guys, all small business owners

edited to add that after re-reading CXM's comments, I agree 100%

especially about requiring a license for a so-called constitutional 'right'.

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