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by Thunderbolt_47
Sat Sep 29, 2018 12:02 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: 9mm just as effective as .357 Mag. -- NOT!!!!
Replies: 46
Views: 14316

Re: 9mm just as effective as .357 Mag. -- NOT!!!!

.357 Mag does develop much, much more energy than 9mm, and if you can find some super hot handload with a novelty bullet that would give 9x19 the level of stopping power of a commercial .357 round, then you can just do some super hot handload with a novelty bullet in .357 Mag and keep the arms race going...

However, I'm still using a 9mm for self defence. As much as .357 packs a serious punch, I'd rather have 17 rounds of 9mm in my Glock to defend myself rather than 6 rounds of .357, especially since the recoil on my 9mm pistol is lower and allows me to do quicker follow-ups and makes it easier to remain on target after letting a couple of rounds off.

Now, if I were living in bear country, I'd carry a .357 (if not a .44) revolver with hollow points in the woods, but I'm not.

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