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by Velocity
Tue Apr 05, 2011 8:40 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Sam Houston Race Park - Concert
Replies: 5
Views: 1448

Re: Sam Houston Race Park - Concert

srothstein wrote:
Teamless wrote:1 - SHRP is off limits during races
This is the mistake I see. Race tracks are defined as off limits, just as schools are. It is because of their characteristic as a race track, and is regardless of whetehr or not a race is going on, just as a school does not have to be in session with classes to be off limits.

Do not carry there.
Just out of curiousity :

I drive past SHRP all the time - the Ovo tents are in the parking lot, NOT the racetrack itself. Not sure what the exact law is regarding carrying within the "parking lot" vs the "racetrack" itself, so I'm NOT suggesting anyone do so, but wonder if the law regarding racetracks still applies to the "going to Ovo" scenario since it's all held in the parking lot?

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