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by kayt00
Fri Apr 06, 2018 3:47 pm
Forum: Hunting Photos
Topic: Pig Hunting
Replies: 32
Views: 26538

Re: Pig Hunting

Pawpaw wrote: Actually, it's not at all uncommon for one to wander off by itself, especially a cow that is trying to hide her new baby.
But I haven't seen any other livestock out there, not that I'm looking for that when pig hunting. I'll entertain the idea that it could indeed be a mama swamp cow protecting her calf out there, but I tend to stay more alert thinking there's a gigantic hog waiting to jump me at the next stream crossing. :woohoo
by kayt00
Thu Apr 05, 2018 8:00 pm
Forum: Hunting Photos
Topic: Pig Hunting
Replies: 32
Views: 26538

Re: Pig Hunting

I'm jealous, I took to hog hunting last year as a way to practice for a deer hunt my lovely wife and brothers helped pull together. Pounded the mud a bit out and around lake Lavone but no sight of the piggies, a ton of sign though including tracks that looked like they belonged to a large calf or small cow. To the best of my knowledge cows don't like thick wetlands and are a herding animal...not solitary. Anyway I never did get an arrow in flight for a pig but slaughtered a few bunnies. :lol:

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