One interesting subliminal-sorta fact was that Tony Bobulinski was at the debate as a Trump guest, which means he was fairly near the front. Where Sleepy Joe could see him. At least we think; we really don't know how Joe's eyesight is. But remember during the "racist" back-and-forth when Trump mentioned, "It's pretty dark in here. I can't see everybody"? I think that was an NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) signal to Biden to look out at the audience so he'd be sure to see Bobulinski sitting there.
What's so really frightening is that the Democratic base's expectations are set so low that they're somewhere down in Joe's basement. If he can remember where he is and what office he's running for and, mostly, speak in complete sentences, it's a huge win! Even at his best today, his good days are clearly far behind him.
When he began to talk about the "thug" dictators, he obviously intended to say their names. But he couldn't remember "Kim Jong-un" or "Xi Jinping," so he stumbled over them and went to the only name he could remember, Putin.
At one point--in reference to what I don't remember--he said 500,000 and then immediately correct himself to 50,000.
He said that another 200,000 Americans would die from COVID-19 "by the end of the year." Since the first U.S. death 10 months ago, official numbers as of yesterday were showing a total of 223,000 deaths. So Creepy Joe believes that we'll equal that 10-month number in the next 10 weeks? To quote a frequent Bidenism, "Come on, man!"
And how about that "N1H1"? Let's hear from Ron Klain, the Obama administration's Ebola Response Coordinator:
"The fact is that he’s already cost the American people because of his terrible handling of the Covid virus and economic spillover. Ten million people have lost their private insurance," Biden said during the debate. Biden was evidently basing this number on a July Urban Institute study that was trying to project to the end of the year based on then-current employment numbers. But Sleepy Joe failed to read the whole thing. The study ended up projecting that only one-third that number, about 3 million would actually be left uninsured. But besides, unemployment rates began rebounding in the summer, so even the 3 million proved to be inflated.
"If in fact he continues to withhold — his plan to withhold the tax on Social Security, Social Security will be bankrupt by 2023. With no way to make up for it," Creepy Joe said. Wrong. Trump referred to forgiving the short-term deferred amount, not canceling the tax. The Treasury Department said that the measure will not harm the Social Security trust funds because the deferral is temporary, and the funds must be repaid. Only Congress has the power to eliminate the payroll tax, either temporarily or permanently. You should know that part, Joe, having been in Washington for 47 years.
And then...the energy sector. Joe popped himself in the foot with #2 shot out of a 10-gauge with that one. Shut down the oil & gas industries, shall we? When no one has proven that "green" energy is as yet a capable or sustainable replacement? Kill millions of jobs (technically 9.8 million, or 5.6% of total U.S. employment) in the hopes that all those people plus many more will find new jobs that haven't even started to exist yet? Place us once again at the mercy of the other global oil producing countries like OPEC, Russia, and Iran?
Fox News didn't televise it live (don't know if any other network did) but either Joe or his handlers quickly realized he had made a terrible mistake there at the end of the debate--in his defense, he had probably become very tired; 96 minutes is a long time for Joe to stay on his feet and lucid--but he held an impromptu press conference after the debate out in the parking lot. He tried to explain what he'd really meant, i.e., listen to what I say now, not what I said in the debate. He said that he didn't mean he would ban fossil fuels. Even though he said it. What he meant was he would look at possibly reducing subsidies, and then plan a move toward "green" energy, but that it would take a very long time. Today, possibly-future-president Kamala Harris also tried to say Biden didn't say what he said. Campaigning in Georgia, she said, "You know, the president likes to take everything out of context," Harris said. "Let's be clear: What Joe was talking about was banning subsidies, but he will not ban [the autodeleted oil extraction from shale word] in America."