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by Rafe
Thu Jun 04, 2020 11:45 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: NYT says gun buyers more likely to shoot themselves than non gun buyers
Replies: 28
Views: 9381

Re: NYT says gun buyers more likely to shoot themselves than non gun buyers

New York, NY, June 4, 2020: The World Health Organization reported today on the findings of an important US$2.2 million COVID-19 study funded by drawn from its member nations. "This study has been the nonstop focus of over four dozen researchers," said Dr. Wayne R. Pepper, head of critical care pulmonology at Saints Memorial Hospital in Los Angeles. "It is vital for us to fully understand both contagion vectors and clustering of cases if we are to prevent a second wave of COVID-19."

Preliminary results of the research offered shocking data. In the more than 3,000 COVID-19 cases studied, of those individuals who were, or had at one point been, infected by the novel coronavirus, fully 97.6% either tested positive for the virus or for antibodies produced in response to the virus. "This has far-reaching ramifications," said Dr. Pepper. "It unquestionably shows that almost all of the people who have been infected by the novel coronavirus have also contracted COVID-19. This may be a game-changer for the approach we take in forestalling and managing a second wave of the pandemic."


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