There can certainly be some augmentation from renewable energy forms, but to me the only logical direction is a suitably lengthy R&D and transition plan--2035 full-transition plans are pipedreams unless we want to destroy the US economy; we need to be looking at a 50-year horizon, not 10--with short-term prioritization given to much cleaner global fuel refining (US-produced gasoline is about a 30% cleaner process than that used even by the Saudis, much less Russia and China), and improvement of techniques and safety of using fission technologies. But, yes. We need to be focusing on getting to fusion.
Related, a...revealing video clip of Rep. Rashida Tlaib's (D-MI; part of "The Squad") questions last Wednesday at the House Financial Service Committee hearing with bank CEOs. Her first question about fossil fuels (at about 2:40, where she shows she can't pronounce the word "Celsius") is to Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan Chase. His answer didn't seem to amuse Representative Tlaib :