The only reason inflation numbers overall aren't higher is because Biden has almost depleted the nation's strategic oil reserves to artificially increase the supply side. That reserve is supposed to be for emergencies, you know, like war and stuff...not trying to by votes for a political party. Plus, the increased gas prices have reduced demand because people are being more judicious about driving.
BTW, did you see that after the Sep 13th "Inflation Reduction Act celebration" at the White House, Biden climbed onto Air Force One to fly to Delaware? The initial news was that he had been at the WH Monday and Tuesday and was going back home for the remainder of the week. That got a lot social media sparks, so the crack White House press team tried to quell it by saying, "No, no. The President was simply going to his home state in order to vote. He will be back at the White House in a few hours." Er...excuse me all you anti-fossil-fuel evangelists. D.C. to the center of Delaware by car is only 90 miles. Are you telling me that Biden used the massive fuel-hog Air Force One to make that round trip just so that the prez could cast an early vote in the primaries? Something he could have done on his last trip home because early voting in Delaware had been open since September 1? Or even better, since Delaware offers it, that he could have done by mail?
Ahem. That BLS release breaks down all the components of consumer goods. The 8.3% CPI-U (Consumer Price Index for All Urban
Consumers) doesn't even paint part of the picture that the average consumers face...meaning those who can't hop onto Air Force One for a flight that takes longer to take off and land than it spends in the air. If the midterms were in January rather than early November, the dems would be burnt toast. Why? Because in the northern states one of the most common energy sources to heat buildings comes from fuel oil. And that just happens to top the list for OMG! inflation increases. A few examples of unadjusted 12-month inflation ending August 2022:
- Food, Food at Home: 13.5%
- Energy, Fuel Oil (not seasonally adjusted): 68.8%
- Energy, Gasoline (all types): 27.1%
- Energy Services, Electricity: 15.8%
- Energy Services, Utility (piped) gas service: 33.0%
- New Vehicles: 10.1%
- Transportation Services: 11.3%