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by Rafe
Fri Sep 16, 2022 11:18 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Hate Crimes
Replies: 9
Views: 2364

Re: Hate Crimes

What it certainly puts to rest is the "sheeple" instruction from many "experts" to, "Just comply. Do what the thief asks. That's the best way to handle the situation and remain unharmed."

That store clerk/owner bent over backward to comply. He not only was zero threat to the the pencil-neck sociopath, he was voluntarily offering up everything he had.

I'm with RoyGBiv. The odds of surviving a round to the body are much, much higher than a point-blank round to the back of the head. Circumstances are always in flux, always dynamic; OODA loop moving at the speed of light. But we may have to make that split-second decision sometime in our lives. It's up to us individually to be as prepared for it as we can be.

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