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by PriestTheRunner
Sat Nov 11, 2023 3:55 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Defensive carry/trigger enhancement kits
Replies: 6
Views: 9776

Re: Defensive carry/trigger enhancement kits

I had about 3000k rounds on my stock FN509 trigger and striker before the striker failed. Went ahead and did an Apex trigger job on the FN when replacing with their barrel style striker replacement and have about 2000k more rounds through it. Its my daily carry and duty gun.

Only 5 FTE-FTF failures, and those were from a subpar gun oil clogging / delaying the self-cleaning blow port and the striker to upper interface. IE no trigger induced issues whatsoever.

If it is good high-quality components, you don't go under a nice 3-pound or similar standard trigger weight, it retains any factory safety system (like a trigger safety), and you give it several hundred rounds of utilization before carrying- In my opinion you're good to go.

Keep in mind, its probably less the legal side of things (unless you go way under standard trigger weights or have a negligent discharge) and more the point that you are trusting your life to it. There are plenty of PD's and sheriffs out there that are running upgraded components from their armorers on the duty setups for SWAT and even line officers that there is a basis of reasonableness to utilize upgraded components.

If you trust your life to the stock manufacturer and their (sometimes not so great) manufacturing/assembly personnel, then there is no reason not to trust your life to other companies that have demonstrated good engineering and quality components (Apex being a great example).

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