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by Gyrogearhead
Tue Jun 16, 2009 1:25 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Intrastate Shipment of a Handgun
Replies: 14
Views: 1801

Re: Intrastate Shipment of a Handgun

I wonder if there is some reason for all this besides just to aggrivate ligitimate gun owners? :headscratch

I've shipped lots of small mechanical devices and parts with no trouble and no questions asked all over the world. If you announce to one and all that there's a gun in here then in my humble opinion you are asking for it to be stolen.

Understand, I've never sent a gun anywhere nor received one via common carrier so my real world experience is limited. But I can't imagine a criminal following all these shipping rules if they want to get a gun from here to there. Just pack it, ship it and if it gets there, great! If it doesn't, then get another gun and repeat.

It just seems like another case of people who are overly concerned with rules making a few too many. :rules:

Just my 2c worth.
by Gyrogearhead
Mon Jun 15, 2009 3:43 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Intrastate Shipment of a Handgun
Replies: 14
Views: 1801

Re: Intrastate Shipment of a Handgun

You know, I wonder if anything would happen if you just boxed up the gun and sent it. In my experience the agents don't ask if there are firearms in the box, only explosives, flamables or biologic materials. Sometimes not even the latter. Is the sender under any obligation to declare that he is shipping a firearm, intra-state that is? :headscratch

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