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by Dragonfighter
Fri Feb 28, 2014 5:17 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Cops arrest jogging woman....
Replies: 114
Views: 14064

Re: Cops arrest jogging woman....

Cedar Park Dad wrote:Judging by the size of the PoPo involved she should have just kept running....:biggrinjester:
Back when I had anything resembling a body, a couple of cops and I (I had helped train them in rope work) used to work out together. I was, and am though it's harder to tell now, big chested and these guys were pretty lean. When I'd run into one on the street in uniform, they both looked like pudges due to the hardware under their shirts.
by Dragonfighter
Fri Feb 28, 2014 5:07 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Cops arrest jogging woman....
Replies: 114
Views: 14064

Re: Cops arrest jogging woman....

chasfm11 wrote:
It seems like the transit police everywhere are more aggressive. I worked at Renaissance tower in Dallas for awhile and jaywalking there was going to get you not only a ticket but a dose of real attitude. NJ and NY had the Port Authority police and many of those that I saw were definitely over the top.
I have had to call down DART PD for agitating a volatile situation I was running on. I told them it was my scene and their role was ONLY traffic control and if they didn't desist I'd have them arrested. Boy they were mad, but they complied. I documented names and badge numbers to; that really irked them. In my time on the engine, truck and rescue; they were often Barney Fifes that seemed perpetually mad they couldn't hack it in DPD. Some were great, but there were a lot of them (in my experience) that needed a reminder of their scope of duties from time to time.

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