Yeah, I would bet that examples of LEOs being caught unawares outnumbers the examples of Jerks and may serve to explain at least some of them being jerks.chuckybrown wrote:I believe this is why officers walk up to cars with their hand on their weapon: ... 154449.php" onclick=";return false;
FWIW, the only time I have had a cop put his hand on a gun in anything but a resting posture was a DPS stop some 30 years ago. He pulls over a long haired, bearded guy at 3 something in the morning. When reaching for the registration I remember the .357 in the glove box and say, "Uh, there's a gun in the glovebox." He takes one step back, tickles the grip of his side arm and says, "Just come out with the paper and we'll be fine." I did, we were and I got a warning.
I have, as of October, joined the ranks of those disarmed at a stop and other than being asked a couple of times where the weapon was I only had a, "Just leave it alone," once and a long time ago.