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by Dragonfighter
Tue Aug 30, 2011 9:54 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Interview ?
Replies: 44
Views: 5577

Re: Interview ?

donniet wrote:<snip>
I cannot live in fear of opening my door, or what MIGHT happen. Do I consider myself reckless? Not at all! I process what information I have at the time and act accordingly. Is there risk? Yes. Some use cameras and intercoms, others don't answer the door, that's great if that provides what they need to feel secure. Bottom line, I know some will disagree, and I respect their decision. However we can all learn from each other and take away what we feel works for us.
:iagree: I have night owl neighbors who periodically knock on the door fairly late, but then we are usually up as well. My house is such I can look to see who is on the porch and for what it's worth, huge tarantulas is a real possibility at my house as are snakes, rabbits and according to tracks in the snow...panthers.

Stereotypes being what they are I too, will size up a stranger at the door but I am always armed.

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