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by Dragonfighter
Thu Jun 17, 2010 7:30 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: A bad situation that thankfully didnt turn worse
Replies: 25
Views: 5678

Re: A bad situation that thankfully didnt turn worse

There was a situation years ago where a security guard heard a woman scream. He rounded the corner to see a man straddling her chest holding a butcher knife in both hands and covered in blood. He shot the guy off of her to learn later that he was a plain clothes LEO and the female had stabbed him with the knife. He had pulled it from his own body when the security guard came upon the scene and dispatched him. The security guard was no-billed. The point being, there will be situations that all of the information we have available may paint a compelling picture and it may be the wrong one.

But we have to trust our instincts. A deep breath and a moment to re-evaluate maybe, but in the end you have to make a judgment on the here and now and cannot possibly be cognizant of all of the circumstances, all of the time.

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