Search found 3 matches

by K-Texas
Thu Nov 28, 2019 3:06 pm
Forum: Reloading Forum
Topic: Powder Recall
Replies: 4
Views: 21346

Re: Powder Recall

As Ed McMahon used to say, "you are correct, sir!"

I was speaking so much about the powder deterioration so much as what it's done to the lids on the containers. ;-)
by K-Texas
Thu Nov 28, 2019 12:41 pm
Forum: Reloading Forum
Topic: Powder Recall
Replies: 4
Views: 21346

Re: Powder Recall

pushpullpete wrote: Wed Nov 27, 2019 8:46 pm I do not have any on hand, but, Thank You :tiphat: for the heads up and link.

:txflag: :patriot:
You betcha, Pete. I checked my 4350, but since my powders come directly from Western, it is quite a lot newer than what's being recalled. If you read the article concerning the reason for the recall, it seems quite odd what the negative effects can be. ;-)
by K-Texas
Wed Nov 27, 2019 5:31 pm
Forum: Reloading Forum
Topic: Powder Recall
Replies: 4
Views: 21346

Powder Recall

Just found out today that three of the extruded rifle propellants made by General Dynamics Canada for Western Powder Co. are being recalled. AA 2495, 4064 and 4350 which I have and am checking on at the moment. ;-)

Here's the link for details:

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