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by Trebilroad
Mon Nov 13, 2017 11:04 am
Forum: Self-Defense Reports
Topic: Brandishing
Replies: 15
Views: 6412


Last night (dark), I noticed activity in my alley. I was aware of but mostly passive to the activity. Until I heard someone a few houses making some unusual sounds? Like trying to open a gate or something similar. I grabbed my flashlight and my side arm and headed down the alley. I surprised a young man trying to get into a back gate, (he never got it open)
I spotlight him and pulled my weapon,(I have my CHL)
Turns out it was the kid that lived there. Someone dropped him off in the alley for some reason? Here's where it went to hell in a hand bag. He told me that he lived there and I holstered my weapon. Then he began berating me, called me all sorts of nasty names. His parents we no better than he was. I apologized for the misunderstanding, but they continued to spew obscenities. I offered to call the police to help us defuse the situation, but they said it wouldn't be necessary.
Shortly there after the COPS show up at my front door and asked me to explain my side.
I'm a retired combat vet and am concerned that I broke the law.

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