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by Tex1961
Mon Jul 25, 2022 11:34 am
Forum: General
Topic: 100% increase in enrollment of gun courses, especially beginner sessions
Replies: 5
Views: 6536

Re: 100% increase in enrollment of gun courses, especially beginner sessions

AF-Odin wrote: Mon Jul 25, 2022 10:51 am Not quite back to the levels pre-Permitless Carry, but still seeing an uptick. Lots of beginner classes and steady LTC classes. What is encouraging is the demographics of the classes are no longer a bunch of old and very young white guys, but all races and sexes. Big increases in Black female students.
Agree, I'm seeing a huge difference in demographics amongst students. Sort of a downside though is with the influx of so many new to the world of shooting, so many are coming into the range unqualified. The longer I teach the more strict that I am on asking students to leave the range. We try to help if a student is having an issue with their firearm, but if I see you loading your rounds in backwards, or don't even know where the magazine release is, I pretty much ask you to leave. I just explain that part of our job is to observe students and when we see this things we are concerned that they may be a danger to themselves and others. I give them my card and request that they take a basic firearm course first.
I also keep a pocket knife in my pocket so that I can cut the tie wrap and price tags off their shiny new gun they've never even taken out of the box.. Oh and a few bandaids because they can't keep their thumbs away from the slide....
by Tex1961
Mon Jul 25, 2022 9:52 am
Forum: General
Topic: 100% increase in enrollment of gun courses, especially beginner sessions
Replies: 5
Views: 6536

Re: 100% increase in enrollment of gun courses, especially beginner sessions

I can confirm this.
Statistics said that when a state passes constitutional carry, CCW classes plummet for an average of 6 to 12 months and then they begin to rise again and in may cases surpasses previous levels. Sure enough, my classes right after Sept. 2021 dropped like a rock. Slowly and steadily they have begun to rise again and I am now at or above where I was in number of classes and students. Me personally I am booked every weekend through the end of August and several weekday private lessons as well.

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