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Thu Jan 04, 2018 1:50 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Questions About LEO's Asking For ID's When I'm Simply Passenger
Replies: 53
Views: 14259

Re: Questions About LEO's Asking For ID's When I'm Simply Passenger

labrat1001001 wrote:I believe the below statements to be true. If not, please educate me.

a) If you are contacted by a LEO as a vehicle passenger and are carrying a handgun (with a valid Texas handgun license), whether it is concealed or openly carried, you do not, by law, have to produce your driver’s license or Texas handgun license unless you are suspected of a crime.

b) If you are contacting by a LEO while walking down the street, in a coffee shop, etc. and are carrying a handgun (with a valid Texas handgun license), whether it is concealed or openly carried, you do not, by law, have to produce your driver’s license or Texas handgun license unless you are suspected of a crime.
If you are carrying a handgun, Texas law requires you to show your LTC and ID (but I thought LTC was legal ID in Texas, all by itself) to a peace officer of magistrate who asks for ID.

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