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by dukalmighty
Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:44 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Tactical Question about home defense...
Replies: 7
Views: 2471

Re: Tactical Question about home defense...

Ranger+P+ wrote:In Executive Protection we have something called the "HOME" Principle, which simply states, staying put if you have the Principal in tow (or in your case your family members) with a solid defensive position with solid cover and good lanes of fire, most often, this includes the control of one or multiple choke points along routes of egress. There are certain criteria which can dictate otherwise, these have to be examined based upon the specific floorplan of the residence.

I can tell you from experience when I have been on details guarding an entire family, the family is kept together in a general vicinity (for instance in a 2-3 story home, the family is kept on the 2nd floor or in a Hotel, they are not spread out).

Of course it must be understood, that you as a civilian, unlike me in Private Security, can call 911--If it was me, I would organize my Action Plan around this, it is both tactically and legally the safest route. The key to this plan is getting everybody in a "safe" location (based on the above criteria) and then hunkering down. The only way to accomplish this is good communication with family member's and drill on it ALOT.

Stay Safe. :patriot:
I agee the best offense is a good defense,also might look into creating a safe room in their closet,where once in the closet they can bar the door from being opened
by dukalmighty
Tue Apr 01, 2008 3:56 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Tactical Question about home defense...
Replies: 7
Views: 2471

Re: Tactical Question about home defense...

I personally if i know they haven't made it upstairs,I would take up a defensive position where i could cover the stairs,and wait for police,even if you know your house you don't know where BG might be hiding,so you let him come to you.

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