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- Sun Apr 29, 2018 10:32 pm
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: ball vs flat vs hollow point for range ammo?
- Replies: 12
- Views: 6452
Re: ball vs flat vs hollow point for range ammo?
I can't say I've had experience with Freedom Munition loaded ammunition myself, but their bullets are made by X-treme bullets. I use those for my 10mm and .45 loads. They are pretty darn accurate and make very consistent groups. Also, when spot checking the weights, each one weighs exactly 180.0 grains and 230.0 grains on the scale. The low tolerances on the bullet weight is bonkers. The only other bullets I load that can get that kind of consistency are SMKs. The plating is also top notch on those things. And because they are plated (no exposed lead in the back of the bullet), they don't run as dirty. That means more rounds between full cleanings.