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by Keith B
Wed Oct 22, 2014 1:06 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Unintentional display
Replies: 16
Views: 5395

Re: Unintentional display

drjoker wrote:No, he was just very unlucky, the Costco employee was very anti-gun, and the cops were very trigger happy & corrupt. A very unfortunate mix of events.
Jaguar wrote:
drjoker wrote:If you're nice, confident and clean cut, people just assume that you're a cop.

If you act sheepish, aren't clean cut (long hair, face tats, etc.), and act like a mall ninja 2nd amendment protester (tactical pants with "Don't Tread on Me T-Shirt"), then they WILL call the cops and you might get Costco'ed (Google Eric Scott Las Vegas Costco).
Every photo I've seen of Mr. Scott shows a young, nice looking, clean cut, and confidant man. :headscratch

Did he grow his hair, beard, get tattooed up and wear tacticool clothing for his trip to Costco?
And Mr. Scott was under the influence of a large amount of pain killers and did not follow the officers orders. It was the final link in a chain of errors that broke and caused his demise.

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