And Mr. Scott was under the influence of a large amount of pain killers and did not follow the officers orders. It was the final link in a chain of errors that broke and caused his demise.drjoker wrote:No, he was just very unlucky, the Costco employee was very anti-gun, and the cops were very trigger happy & corrupt. A very unfortunate mix of events.
Jaguar wrote:Every photo I've seen of Mr. Scott shows a young, nice looking, clean cut, and confidant man.drjoker wrote:If you're nice, confident and clean cut, people just assume that you're a cop.
If you act sheepish, aren't clean cut (long hair, face tats, etc.), and act like a mall ninja 2nd amendment protester (tactical pants with "Don't Tread on Me T-Shirt"), then they WILL call the cops and you might get Costco'ed (Google Eric Scott Las Vegas Costco).
Did he grow his hair, beard, get tattooed up and wear tacticool clothing for his trip to Costco?
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