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by Keith B
Tue Apr 16, 2013 7:51 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Public safety or feeding a cash cow?
Replies: 30
Views: 4428

Re: Public safety or feeding a cash cow?

Jumping Frog wrote:Alright, I just got popped for my first ticket in a long, long time. It was 14 mph over, and I was speeding so I won't argue that aspect (was distracted and didn't realize the speed had crept up on me).
Originalist wrote:Handog, I just saw this and since it is your first offense for 10 miles over... Go to the court and request deferred adjudication... You pay court costs and if you get no more tickets for 90 days it gets dismissed and your clean driving record is maintained..... Good luck!
Is this different than taking the defensive driving? Are you saying I can get an outright dismissal with no fine or costs if I stay clean for 90 days?
Beiruty wrote:Do the defensive driving and pay the court fees (in Texas it is like 280 for +10MPH including the course.
So if I do the defensive driving, does that mean I pay both the speeding fine and additional fees for the deferred adjudication?

Last question, I am currently doing PTDE for my daughter. Will this ticket invalidate my ability to do that?
The answer to your quesitons vary by jurisdiction. The deffered adjudicaiton in my case would be the full fine ($185) and the probationary period is 90 to 180 days and begins when the fees are paid.

For the defensive driving, it is $105 and then you must take an approved Defensive Driving course (approved by the Texas Education Agency, so it WOULD be a shcool IMO) and also provide a certified copy of your driving record. Cost for DD online is $25 - $40 and I bellive the driving record is $10 from the state. So, it will save a little money but you must not have taken a driving safety course for ticket dismissal within the past twelve (12) months prior to the date of your offense and sign an affidavit stating you have not.

Bottom line you get a shorter probationary period if you take the defered adjudication, but it will normally cost you more.

As for Parent Taught Drivers Ed, I am not sure, but wouldn't think so. Once you do one of the above your ticket will not show up period. However, you may have a hard time convincing your daughter she shouldn't speed sine you just recently got a ticket. ;-)
by Keith B
Mon Apr 15, 2013 8:38 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Public safety or feeding a cash cow?
Replies: 30
Views: 4428

Re: Public safety or feeding a cash cow?

Beiruty wrote:Lasers are tough to detect, but most around town park and use the old fashioned radar to get you.
Lasers are mostly for LEO riders or speed traps. In both cases, keep a rabbit in front of you all the time. :mrgreen:
I dispute this one. Most I have seen are now using laser when stationary, even in a car. The big mistake some LEOs make is leaving their radar gun on when shooting laser. Even if pointed at a 90° angle from you, if you have a good detector it will more than likely alert you to the radar signal and you will have time to check your speed before you get into the <800' range for the laser gun shot.

As to having a rabbit in front of you, that was my problem last Thursday, I was in the lead. :banghead: Plus, a smart officer will look for the car that is moving faster and target only that one. I know when I used to run radar I could pretty well tell you if a car was speeding enough to get a ticket or not, even in a 45 zone and traveling as a single.
by Keith B
Mon Apr 15, 2013 8:27 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Public safety or feeding a cash cow?
Replies: 30
Views: 4428

Re: Public safety or feeding a cash cow?

Beiruty wrote:Do the defensive driving and pay the court fees (in Texas it is like 280 for +10MPH including the course.

Now, if your habit is to speed or you have a smooth V8 pulling 400+ lb.ft at 2500 rpm, then go buy yourself a V1 with the new connection to your smartphone. it's getting even more attractive.
A detector will usually not do you any good on laser due to the beam being so narrow. Most of the new ones are 1.5 - 2' wide max at 1000'. Even the reflected signal is so pointed that unless they just happen to hit the edge of a vehicle in front of you or you catch it through the glass of one in front you will not have time to slow down before it has registered your speed when they target you. Laser is how they got me. I have a top end detector, but it should have just shown dollar signs in the display when it went off. :grumble :lol:
by Keith B
Thu Apr 11, 2013 3:05 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Public safety or feeding a cash cow?
Replies: 30
Views: 4428

Re: Public safety or feeding a cash cow?

Well, I get to feed the cow now. Got my first speeding ticket in 28+ years this morning in Richardson. Only had two previous in my youth back in the early '80's.

Overall was a good stop. Pulled over, had all papers in hand. Was carrying right front pocket of Dockers. Officer took license, CHL and insurance. Just handed back the CHL. Looked at the insurance and then handed it back. Never asked if I was carrying. Brought back ticket and license and was on my way.

Now, time to find a good defensive driving course. :banghead:

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