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by Keith B
Sat Mar 09, 2013 11:46 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: First Contact
Replies: 32
Views: 5507

Re: First Contact

RX8er wrote:NOTE: EDR data are recorded by your vehicle only if a nontrivial crash situation
occurs; no data are recorded by the EDR under normal driving conditions and no
personal data (e.g., name, gender, age, and crash location) are recorded. However,
other parties, such as law enforcement, could combine the EDR data with the type of
personally identifying data routinely acquired during a crash investigation.
To read data recorded by an EDR, special equipment is required, and access to the
vehicle or the EDR is needed. In addition to the vehicle manufacturer, other parties,
such as law enforcement, that have the special equipment, can read the information
if they have access to the vehicle or the EDR.
Actually, they have been running a trial in Chevy 4x4's for a while now where the last 30 seconds of data recorded also include audio from the passenger compartment. In most of the US the last words before a crash are a violation this forum's profanity rules. However, in Mississippi, Georgia and Alabama they are 'Hey, hold my beer and watch this!' :mrgreen:
by Keith B
Sat Mar 09, 2013 10:59 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: First Contact
Replies: 32
Views: 5507

Re: First Contact

C-dub wrote:Terribly sorry about your friends. I wonder if it would have been a better punishment after convicting this guy to have released him to his family to care for, rather than paying a bunch of government employees to do that. Make him ineligible for any government assistance and let him be a burden on his family.
The problem is I don't think his family would have taken him. He was divorced and not really anyone to care for him. He would have either been free or ended up on state aid anyway. This way he is not only confined to his wheelchair he is confined to a cell. He killed a family of 5 and should have done 15 years for each count instead of one concurrent sentence. That's my view, however, I am extremely biased on this one. :mad5
by Keith B
Sat Mar 09, 2013 9:33 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: First Contact
Replies: 32
Views: 5507

Re: First Contact

RX8er wrote:
baldeagle wrote:Don't worry guys. In a little while the problem will be solved for you. The US DoT is mandating black boxes in all new cars starting in 2014. Once that happens the cops won't even have to patrol or use radar any more. The government will simply upload your data weekly and send you tickets for each time you exceeded the speed limit.

Ain't technology great?
The vast majority of new cars in the last couple years have had black boxes in them.
They do use them in accident investigation. I had some good friends that were killed by a guy that was speeding. He was driving a GMC Envoy. Analysis of the box indicated he was going 98 MPH when he went hit the curb, went air-born and sheered the top off of their mini van. This was in a 40 MPH zone and at an intersection. He was the only one to survive, but is paralyzed and now serving a 15 year sentence for vehicular manslaughter.
by Keith B
Thu Mar 07, 2013 10:02 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: First Contact
Replies: 32
Views: 5507

Re: First Contact

OldCurlyWolf wrote:Out on the open road I run a gps program that keeps a continuous log of my speed, location and heading. If I have to go to court over a mistaken ID stop, I am going to win.
I do the same thing when I am flying. If I get reported for flying too low then I may have a GPS track showing my altitude for the FAA. It is also possible the GPS malfunctioned on that flight and didn't record. :mrgreen:

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