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by Keith B
Sun Jul 22, 2012 5:44 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Gunfire during Dark Night Rises
Replies: 496
Views: 78773

Re: Gunfire during Dark Night Rises

dcfis wrote:I like it, but, NO PROFESSIONAL ANYWHERE would do this.

"What if the right to, buy, own and possess a gun was restricted to those men who are at least 25, unless they received a yearly clean bill of mental health from a licensed psychiatrist. And it would be illegal to sell a gun to a male unless they were 25 or possessed a clean bill of mental health card from a licensed psychiatrist. "
I don't like it. Would be nothing but another restriction on us. Plus, most of the psychiatrists I know probably couldn't pass their OWN tests.
by Keith B
Sat Jul 21, 2012 5:27 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Gunfire during Dark Night Rises
Replies: 496
Views: 78773

Re: Gunfire during Dark Night Rises

stealthfightrf17 wrote:Just heard on TV from CNN
They interveiwed two teens at another theater that has metal detectors, the teens said they made them feel safer. Did I miss something here, or did he break in an emergancy exit. Are people really this blind to things. Need to stop my rant for forum rule reasons.
That was the initial report, but now they say he 'came in costume' and apparently had the guns hidden. He bought a ticket and pretended to take a cell phone call, moved toward the exit door, then turned around and threw the tear gas/smoke canister and started his spree.
by Keith B
Sat Jul 21, 2012 5:25 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Gunfire during Dark Night Rises
Replies: 496
Views: 78773

Re: Gunfire during Dark Night Rises

Hoosier Daddy wrote:
Heartland Patriot wrote:
Keith B wrote:What made the movie theater a 'gun free' zone? I find no reference to it.
Technically, by Colorado law, it seems that the theater wasn't a "gun free zone". However, it also seems that they had a "no guns policy" with some sort of signs to state this. Many folks on here, even if a place doesn't have actual 30.06 posted, only a "gunbuster" sign, say they still won't go in...either worried about the risks involved OR "those anti-gun folks ain't getting my money". So the INTENT of the movie theater chain was to be a GFZ.
I think those signs are enforceable in Colorado because they don't have a 30.06 equivalent.
Nope, see my post a few back. And, an unenforceable sign does not make it a gun free zone, whether the owner wants it to be or not.
by Keith B
Sat Jul 21, 2012 3:31 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Gunfire during Dark Night Rises
Replies: 496
Views: 78773

Re: Gunfire during Dark Night Rises

philip964 wrote:Aurora Movie Massacre: July 20, 2012. James Eagan Holmes was the killer. 12 people were murdered. 58 injured. Under 25 years of age. Bought the guns locally shortly before the shooting. Described as a loner with no friends, parents knew it was their son. Gun free zone.
Did I miss any mass shootings in the US? There was one in was it Utah at a mall? In all cases there was a political call to ban guns. Notice any similarities.
What made the movie theater a 'gun free' zone? I find no reference to it.
by Keith B
Fri Jul 20, 2012 3:21 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Gunfire during Dark Night Rises
Replies: 496
Views: 78773

Re: Gunfire during Dark Night Rises

This guy was intelligent. He had been working on his PhD at a medical school in Colorado before dropping out. Sounds like another one of those who may have cracked under pressure and decided to leave his mark on society in a bad way. :banghead:
by Keith B
Fri Jul 20, 2012 2:26 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Gunfire during Dark Night Rises
Replies: 496
Views: 78773

Re: Gunfire during Dark Night Rises

AEA wrote:That leaves only the age restriction for CHL to show why apparently no CHL's were present.
You don't know that 'no CHL's were present'. Even if they were present, there are hundreds of reasons why they might not be shooting back.
by Keith B
Fri Jul 20, 2012 2:19 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Gunfire during Dark Night Rises
Replies: 496
Views: 78773

Re: Gunfire during Dark Night Rises

Dave2 wrote:
dihappy wrote:
longhorn_92 wrote:Prayers going out to the victims and families.

BTW, The "ban guns" people are all over the blogs wanting gun laws... I knew that rhetoric would be brought up.
Would be interesting if someone knew if this theater was posted, would show that only law abiding citizens are disarmed.
I've heard they had some sort of "unenforceable" sign up, but I can't even remember where I heard that, let alone vouch for its accuracy.
See my post here ... 75#p694139" onclick=";return false;

Any sign in Colorado is unenforceable unless it is on an already prohibited locaiton. Any busines sopen to the public must tell you to leave and you must refuse before you are breaking the law.
by Keith B
Fri Jul 20, 2012 12:25 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Gunfire during Dark Night Rises
Replies: 496
Views: 78773

Re: Gunfire during Dark Night Rises

The Annoyed Man wrote:
SewTexas wrote:Knowing Aurora, it is quite possible there were CHL holders in the crowd, but they couldn't carry in the theater. Aurora and Denver aren't exactly gun friendly, when we lived in Colorado Springs a few years back, Denver had managed to ban CHL's as a city, and everything in Aurora was posted.
Just to clarify, are you saying that I cannot carry within the Denver city limits? Not at all?

Perhaps Colorado does not have state preemption. Las Vegas is like that. In Vegas, they kill you if you have a CHL. And then they make excuses and blame it on the victim. Vegas keeps reelecting Harry Reid. 2+2= etc. Apparently then, parts of Colorado also teach "the new math."
You can concealed carry in Denver, but they do ban open carry.

As for 'No Guns' signs being enforcable to prevent concealed carry, this is from" onclick=";return false;
“No Firearm” signs in Colorado have no force of law unless they are posted on property that is specifically mentioned in State Law as being off limits to those with a Permit/License to Carry. If you are in a place not specifically mentioned in the law that is posted and they ask you to leave, you must leave. If you refuse to leave then you are breaking the law and can be charged. Even if the property is not posted and you are asked to leave you must leave. Always be aware of the possibility that responding Police Officers who may have been called without your knowledge and may not know the laws on trespass etc. could arrest you even if you are within the law.

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