Hmm, I guess he didn't build Costco himself, someone else did it for him.Jasonw560 wrote:Found out that Costco's co founder, Jim Sinegal, is an Obama fund raiser.
No shopping there for me.

Hmm, I guess he didn't build Costco himself, someone else did it for him.Jasonw560 wrote:Found out that Costco's co founder, Jim Sinegal, is an Obama fund raiser.
No shopping there for me.
The link in the original post ... ticle=true" onclick=";return false;Right2Carry wrote:Unless I missed it somewhere in this thread, I don't see one shred of evidence of a written policy prohibiting members from carrying legally owned guns. Has anyone provided a written document from COSTCO that actually states that guns are forbidden? I was at COSTCO the other day and the only sign was the typical unlicensed handgun sign that most places post which has no legal bearing on CHL holders. Until someone can actually produce a membership agreement that states no guns I believe this to be nothing more than a rumor.
Go back and read the entire thread. This has already been discussed that there is nothing in the agreement you sign stating or membership terms about no guns.dac1842 wrote:Well here is another angle. I did not read every post here so forgive me if this was raised already. While COSTCO might not have the proper signage up at their locations, would not your acceptance of the terms of membership constitute effective notice? It seems to me, and I am not a lawyer, your acceptance of the membership terms would be enough to prosecute. Charles?
Yep, there's currently 58 pages of discussion on the shooting of Erik Scott here" onclick=";return false;testersbc wrote:just in cas you didn't know. A COSTCO employee got one of veterans killed there because he was carrying a concealed firearm.
A link to eGain IS on their website. See this page" onclick=";return false;, then look at the link for Costco Member Questions: Member Questions & CommentsRottenApple wrote:Except that I can't find a link to that site anywhere from the member's section of Costco's website. I've hunted everywhere for it and it's just not there. As near as I can tell, there is NO firearms policy (pro or anti) in any of the Membership Terms & Conditions.
As for that website, what makes you think it's legitimate? The fact that "costco" was in the URL? I can create a website and put "keithb" in the URL but that doesn't mean it's yours." onclick=";return false;
I also did a Whois lookup on that site:
Unfortunately that doesn't prove or disprove a legitimate Costco connection. eGain Comm. Corp's main website is It does appear that they provide KB services, but Costco isn't listed on their customer page and, I keep going back to this, there is no link (that I can find) from Costco's website to this one.Registrant:
eGain Communications Corp
1252 Borregas Ave
Sunnyvale, CA 94089
Domain Name: EGAIN.NET
Administrative Contact, Technical Contact:
Shah, Rakesh
1252 Borregas Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94089
408-6364461 fax: 408-6364400
At this point, after searching Costco's website and reading through their Terms & Conditions, I'm calling bull on the Costco "no guns" policy until and unless someone can show me otherwise.
Not even for 5 gallon drums of ketchup?WildBill wrote:This is a coincidence. I was in the lobby at work today and there was a small poster on the wall announcing that COSTCO would be visiting this Friday to sign up new members. BTW, I am not going to sign up.
There's currently 58 pages of discussion on the shooting of Erik Scott here" onclick=";return false;Embalmo wrote:Those police officers deserve to be in jail for man slaughter, but why did they that guy stay after he was told to leave? I suppose the guy was thinking, "I guess I told him." "When the police come they're gonna' tell the manager to stop harassing concealed license carriers." The best that guy could have hoped for would be being arrested for trespassing.alphonso wrote:This man certainly had a bad experience (fatal) from carrying a legal gun at Costco... ... rik-scott/" onclick=";return false;
It's a valid link. You can get to their Questionaire at ... lPage.html" onclick=";return false; and the link is on this page" onclick=";return false; under Costco Member Questions: Member Questions & Commentssteveincowtown wrote:I may quickly be proved incorrect, but I am going to have to call....uh.....well...."malarkey" on this one.
Link is ".net" and has some sort of weird extension on it. ... ticle=true" onclick=";return false;
I went to the Costco site and can't get back around to where is this info is.
Anyhow, I am off to buy a new tinfoil hat....
It was said this is not in their policy when you sign the membership agreement. So, I would have never agreed to something like that and not carry. And, until they send me something that I must sign and send back stating I agree to it, then i don't take their updates. I look at is as being 'Grandfathered' under my old agreement.3dfxMM wrote:This isn't about the legality. It is about their policy which the member agreed to in writing. I guess not many here are concerned about keeping their word unless they can get into legal trouble for not doing so.
No moral obligation IMO if they don't provide this data up front when I sign the membership form. They can change their policy all they want, and even say they don't want middle-aged overweight balding white guys to shop there. Since I didn't sign the membership agreement knowing that, then until they make me sign one that says I am not allowed, I will still shop there if I so choose.3dfxMM wrote:You all missed the point. We weren't talking about the legality of carrying at Costco. Just their right to not allow it by policy and whether or not there is a moral imperative to honor the agreement that was made. There is no indication that Costco is attemting to make it illegal. They have a legitimate policy against carrying there and if they discover that you are they will terminate your membership. There is no need for signs because all interested parties have been informed of the policy. Th
30.06 signs or notification in writing in in the form of 30.06 are the legal methods for Texas. This is not a legal 30.06 notification, so you could not be prosecuted for carrying there. The most they could legally do is terminate your membership, ask you to leave and have you arrested for trespassing if you refused or came back.3dfxMM wrote:Why would they need signs? All the members have already been informed of the policy.Btw no proper sign at the Costco near me. No signs at all at the Costco where Erik Scott was murdered.