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by Keith B
Thu Mar 29, 2012 9:38 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Accidentally shoots self in Chest while switching to safety
Replies: 30
Views: 4276

Re: Accidentally shoots self in Chest while switching to saf

LSL wrote:
Keith B wrote:Maybe he was left handed and trying to use his right hand to engage the safety. It can happen. It happened to a CCW student in Missouri. Here is a recreation of the event " onclick=";return false;. Just ignore how the draw was done and think about someone rotating the gun to try and click of the safety.
For the sake of clarity:

"receation" = fun activity while "re-ceation" is a renactment or "do over" of something that occurred earlier.

Thank you Mr. Grammer Officer. ;-)

Yeah, I should have used a hyphen. However, the individual that made the video may do re-creations for recreation. :lol:
by Keith B
Wed Mar 28, 2012 10:36 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Accidentally shoots self in Chest while switching to safety
Replies: 30
Views: 4276

Re: Accidentally shoots self in Chest while switching to saf

Maybe he was left handed and trying to use his right hand to engage the safety. It can happen. It happened to a CCW student in Missouri. Here is a recreation of the event " onclick=";return false;. Just ignore how the draw was done and think about someone rotating the gun to try and click of the safety.

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