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by Keith B
Thu Jun 09, 2011 1:46 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Oregon LEO's at odds w/medical pot users having CHL's.
Replies: 54
Views: 6477

Re: Oregon LEO's at odds w/medical pot users having CHL's.

The Annoyed Man wrote:....... if it is to be legally called "medical" marijuana, then it ought to be only dispensed by real pharmacies, and filled only by real pharmacists......
Yeah, but these people don't want to buy their medicine from a pharmacist unless he is wearing sandals, a Hawaiian shirt, calls them 'Dude' when they are getting the prescription filled, and also sells bongs and pipes in his pharmacy.

Then again, that may be a normal pharmacy/pharmacist in California. :lol:
by Keith B
Wed May 18, 2011 2:37 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Oregon LEO's at odds w/medical pot users having CHL's.
Replies: 54
Views: 6477

Re: Oregon LEO's at odds w/medical pot users having CHL's.

Ameer wrote:viewtopic.php?f=94&t=43827

I thought this argument sounded familiar. :smilelol5:
Wow man, I didn't remember that topic. Must be my prescription causing me to forget dude. :mrgreen:
by Keith B
Wed May 18, 2011 8:47 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Oregon LEO's at odds w/medical pot users having CHL's.
Replies: 54
Views: 6477

Re: Oregon LEO's at odds w/medical pot users having CHL's.

gigag04 wrote:
Oldgringo wrote:
gigag04 wrote:Med weed is a sham...
There are those wo would say the DEA is a sham just as is the BATF...
Not sure how that's relevant, and the comment has the feel of a cheap shot. Even a cursory glance at the "med weed" field will show that it is easily gamed by potheads to buy dope. Fix the system so those that have a real need can get treatment they need, legitimize the distribution to mainstream medical pharmacies, and fire all the drug dealing doctors that write out scripts for bogus usage to potheads, and I might be swayed.
The medical marijuana prescriptions are no more abused than any other scams to get unneeded/unauthorized drugs. I have seen first hand evidence of physicians that dole out scrips for Oxycontin, hydrocodine, etc, etc, like they were candy. Abusers find ways to get their stuff, no matter.

So, if it is a legitimate method of easing the ailment, then I say go for it. But, there needs to be hard set guidelines on it and even more harsh punishments for those that abuse the system IMO.
by Keith B
Wed May 18, 2011 8:14 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Oregon LEO's at odds w/medical pot users having CHL's.
Replies: 54
Views: 6477

Re: Oregon LEO's at odds w/medical pot users having CHL's.

I think it should fall into the intoxicated status of their state laws as it relates to firearms if they actually have a prescription for it. It should be just like carrying while taking any other prescription drug, and if you have loss of use of your faculties, then you should be charged with UCW.

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