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by Keith B
Tue Feb 22, 2011 8:52 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: I hope this doesn't happen in TX...
Replies: 17
Views: 4257

Re: I hope this doesn't happen in TX...

firefighter3217 wrote:Anybody else catch this?

I don’t believe people should be allowed to have guns in America,” Ms. Stewart told the paper, expaining that she bought a .357 Magnum after 9/11 — but would be happy to give it up if handguns were banned. “Having a swimming pool is way more dangerous than having a gun,” she added.

Doesn't sound too thought out to me... "nobody should have one, but I do. I'd give it up if they were banned. And oh by the way, it's less dangerous than a pool, which requires no background check..."
Yeah, I quoted it above.
by Keith B
Mon Feb 21, 2011 3:08 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: I hope this doesn't happen in TX...
Replies: 17
Views: 4257

Re: I hope this doesn't happen in TX...

Bullwhip wrote:
WildBill wrote:I don't think this information is about concealed carry. It sounds like only a permit to have the gun.
Same thing in NY.
No it isn't. A concealed carry permit is a proper cause license, and is different from a home, business, corrections officer, justice, etc. license.
by Keith B
Mon Feb 21, 2011 9:03 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: I hope this doesn't happen in TX...
Replies: 17
Views: 4257

Re: I hope this doesn't happen in TX...

In the article, Martha Stewart's daughter says:
“I don’t believe people should be allowed to have guns in America,” Ms. Stewart told the paper, explaining that she bought a .357 Magnum after 9/11 — but would be happy to give it up if handguns were banned. “Having a swimming pool is way more dangerous than having a gun,” she added.
Then tell Bloom'ie to fill his in and go after all his rich buddies with swimming pools.

And, of those 37,000 pistol permits in NYC, I will bet the percentage may be very low on how many are actually personal protection licenses. Additionally, I believe you must get a permit each time you purchase a new gun, so wonder it they just looked at the total number that have been issued? If so, this could be less actual owners if they have multiple guns. Also, I wonder if the permit gets canceled if the person moves out of state or sells the gun legally?

Maybe Excalibur can give us some insight on this process. :thumbs2:
by Keith B
Sun Feb 20, 2011 10:06 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: I hope this doesn't happen in TX...
Replies: 17
Views: 4257

Re: I hope this doesn't happen in TX...

NavAir wrote:... where this info is supposed to be kept confidential." onclick=";return false;

And that is why the statute was passed to prohibit this type of thing from happening.

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