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by Keith B
Fri Jan 07, 2011 9:19 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: 2 guns stolen out of my truck mckinney
Replies: 53
Views: 7448

Re: 2 guns stolen out of my truck mckinney

lonewolf wrote:Had an '89 Chevy pickup broken into the same way. They got a diaper bag.......wife's purse was not in it and they left without taking the roll of quarters in the ashtray. If they needed some diapers that bad, I would have given them some........
Shame it wasn't a bag of DIRTY diapers. :ack: :evil2: :mrgreen:
by Keith B
Tue Dec 07, 2010 9:13 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: 2 guns stolen out of my truck mckinney
Replies: 53
Views: 7448

Re: 2 guns stolen out of my truck mckinney

karl wrote:
BrianSW99 wrote:Look for a small hole just under the bottom of the plastic surrounding the door handle. See the picture on this page for an example: ... 113200.htm" onclick=";return false;

I also have a Ford truck that was broken into a few years ago using this method.

On the street they call this and similar methods a slim jim. Some previous coworkers of mine would brag about stealing radios and breaking into vehicles. The most "senior" (aka longest record) boasted a 5 second entry with no alarm. I made sure to stay on good terms with these fellas.

Sorry about your loss.
A true 'slim jim' is a long thin piece of metal used to slide between the window and door frame and hook the lock mechanism and open it (and yes, it is a type of beef jerky. LOL) See" onclick=";return false;). We used to use these on lock-outs for individuals vehicles when I was a LEO. I think many police departments have moved away from doing this a s courtesy now because of the potential of damaging the interior wiring on the door and complaints from locksmiths about them taking their business away.

I have only heard of the method mentioned above as 'punching' a lock, but on the street they may have stolen the term and used it for this method too.
by Keith B
Mon Dec 06, 2010 3:28 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: 2 guns stolen out of my truck mckinney
Replies: 53
Views: 7448

Re: 2 guns stolen out of my truck mckinney

The Annoyed Man wrote:
KD5NRH wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:Just curious... Why were the guns in your vehicle instead of carried on your person?
Well, Big Tony's definitely has a liquor license, and I've seen 51% licenses in places I wouldn't have expected alcohol to be the primary seller.
Aaahhhh. The OP only stated that his truck was parked in front of Big Tony's. I had no idea until now what Big Tony's is; and there was still the possibility that he was parked there, but not inside.
Big Tony's is not a 51% location; they have a Food and Beverage license. However, not speaking for the OP, but maybe he was with a friend and was NOT planning on being the designated driver when they left, if you catch my drift. ;-)
by Keith B
Mon Dec 06, 2010 11:52 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: 2 guns stolen out of my truck mckinney
Replies: 53
Views: 7448

Re: 2 guns stolen out of my truck mckinney

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I was having trouble getting hte other link to work.

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