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by Keith B
Wed Jul 21, 2010 8:25 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: WA: Prosecutor won't charge man who shot burglary suspect...
Replies: 11
Views: 1415

Re: WA: Prosecutor won't charge man who shot burglary suspec

drjoker wrote:To purposely fire a nonfatal shot with an arrow that has a curved trajectory at a running target at night with limited lighting while under stress during a possibly armed robbery (you don't know for sure what is in the running felon's pockets)... wow! This dude is Robin Hood!
Sounds more like luck. Having been a fairly proficient bow hunter for many years I can tell you with the new bows and speed of the arrows and the fairly flat trajectory on some of them, hitting a target at 30 yards which is moving directly away from you at the speed a human runs would not be that hard. I think the fact that it hit the guy in the buttocks was just lucky (for the guy getting hit that is.) I'll guarantee you the guy with the bow was just shooting at the person running away and didn't pick his shot to hit the guy in the posterior, that is just where the arrow hit.

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