Where did I ever say you couldn't post the fact? I just said you need to be cautious.rgoldy wrote:I do not see how LIBEL applies. Unless what is posted is a lie and/or has the intent of harming the business of the instructor or the instructor personally, it is just the opinion of one person who has had direct interaction with that business. If I go to a store and am offended by the poor service or poor quality of the purchase, is it your contention that I should not say anything to other people who might also want to buy that product?
Is that just a convention of this forum? If so, why does it not apply to other subjects as well ?
I am not saying that stating you had poor service in a store or got bad information from a CHL instructor, etc. on the forum is libel, BUT if someone decides that your post is false and think it has caused the business or person damage by the statement, then they can sue. Ask your TV station lawyers about it. Anyone can sue for libel and the courts would have to decide if the statement was false and if it had in fact defamed the character of the business or person.