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by Keith B
Tue Jul 10, 2012 2:09 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Do deferred adjudication+ sealed = Safe to apply 4 CHL
Replies: 39
Views: 13189

Re: Do deferred adjudication+ sealed = Safe to apply 4 CHL

DelinquentCHL wrote:Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but this became relevant to my interests due to a Google search, and I didn't want the last poster to discourage some people who might be in a situation like my own.
(skipping items 1-20 for brevity)
(21) the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation;
The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation has NOTHING to do with CHL licensing, which is entirely handled by the Texas Department of Public Safety. Now, I'm not saying that the TxDPS won't get a hold of sealed records when investigating CHL applicants, though it would be questionably legal, but the last poster's information - while correct - is entirely irrelevant to the conversation at hand.
First off, welcome to the forum. :tiphat:

I think the confusion is the Texas DPS Licensing and Registration Service under the Regulatory Services Division handles the CHL licensing, so the member in the previous post was thinking they were the same as they are similarly named.

AND, I can garuntee that the DPS can see ALL criminal history, so you must disclose it when you file.

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