Licensed by Texas in Texas you can carry on school grounds (not in buildings) as long as there is not a school sponsored function going on.Aggie_engr wrote:Okay so licensed by the state that the school is located in, I'm okay to have it loaded and not locked up (by federal law)? But if unlicensed it has to be unloaded and locked up??? Am I correct? And what about if you're in a state that has reciprocity with Texas and you're within a 'school zone' would it still be lawful even though you're licensed by a different state?Yes. You're okay if you're licensed in that state or if the gun is unloaded and locked up.
Sorry for all the questions, I just want to be clear about this stuff. I wouldn't want to unknowingly do something that could result in the loss of my chl or criminal prosecution.
If you travel to another state, your license does not exempt you, even with the reciprocity.