Oh, no doubt. As you state, it is hard enough to tell someone is lying in person, much less when you can't see their facial expressions, tone of voice, general demeanor, what they look like, etc. over the Internet.seamusTX wrote:Forget the Internet. Don't take anyone at face value in real life. The list of hoaxes and impersonators is very long, and those are just the ones who were found out.Keith B wrote:Another good example of why you never believe anyone on the Internet ....People fool their own families more often and more thoroughly than anyone else. Think of all the affairs, bigamy, secret drug use, etc.Some of these kids (and adults) are so good at being I-Posers they would fool their own family.
- Jim
I guess being from the Show-Me state, I am even MORE skeptical of things folks tell me until I have proof. However, I have been the victim of scammers myself. Almost makes you not want to trust anyone!