There is no reason to get defensive over someone disagreeing with you. I think you actually stated the issue in your post above, which I have wrote:Whatever. I have personally watched a very experienced shooter absent-mindedly load about a dozen .32ACP rounds into a Sig P232 magazine and didn't realize the error until it wouldn't chamber a round. There is certainly a much more noticeable difference in size between a .380 and a .32 than there is between a 9x18 and a .380.
And by the way, I never suggested this was the only reason to limit the caliber selection. Sheesh. I guess some people just HAVE to argue. OK, you win. Only a blind idiot could mistakenly load a .380 into a 9x18 magazine. How's that?
No matter your level of experience, you should ALWAYS verify the caliber you are loading in your weapon. I have taken various caliber weapons to the range at the same time over the years and work to make sure what I am loading. Now, have I ever tried to load the wrong caliber in a gun? Yes, but the fault was MINE. Limiting the calibers you shoot to a couple of extremely different sizes does prevent you from getting them mixed up, but a little diligence in verification allows you the enjoyment of shooting various different types.