I agree that some have more ft. lbs. of energy, but the 00-buck has 9 .33 caliber projectiles.Molon_labe wrote: +1 some rifle cartridges at close range have more impact energy than a shotgun [at the same range], the AR for example under 100 yards packs INSANE amounts of energy but due to the very light projectile it loosed much of its energy past a few hundred yards, the 7.62 doesn't as much (standard 7.62x39 grain rounds are approx 122 grains)
Plus the old adage: A pistol is a what you use to fight your way to a rifle
Per The Joint Service Combat Shotgun Program http://jagcnet.army.mil/JAGCNETINTERNET ... le%202.pdf
"The delivery of the large number of projectiles simultaneously makes the shotgun the most effective short range weapon commonly used, with a hit probability 45% greater than a submachine gun, and twice as great as an assault rifle."
That was why I would pull out the Mossberg 500 if I had the opportunity. More chance of hitting my target and no shoot-thru.