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by Abraham
Sat Dec 03, 2016 1:51 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Levi's CEO: Please don't bring guns into our stores
Replies: 86
Views: 33540

Re: Levi's CEO: Please don't bring guns into our stores

I wear cargo shorts 10 1/2 months out of 12.

When I do wear long pants, I don't wear jeans.

Usually its something from Academy I bought on sale. Sometimes I've noticed the mfg's aren't Chinese, they're Sri Lankan or Cambodian or Vietnamese or some South American company. I buy what I care to buy, when I care to buy, wherever I care to buy.

pssssst, I don't mind if they're made in China. In fact, a lot of things I've bought were made in China and are of high quality. If American companies make good stuff at a good price, I buy that too.

Yeah, it's wonderful to buy goods made in the states, but I'm not going to make it my life's mission...If it's good/high quality and the price is right, and I choose to buy it, that's called free enterprise.

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