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by Abraham
Wed Dec 08, 2010 3:14 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Broke a rule....
Replies: 50
Views: 8746

Re: Broke a rule....

I tried different pepper sprays until I started using the brand I now use - ALL the others had mixed results...

Also, consider buying some decontamination wipes when you decide on what spray you end up buying because there's always a chance a bit of the spray may land on you too, i.e., spraying into the wind as even the stream type (I know zero about the gel types) sprays will atomize some when sprayed into a high wind. Also, after spraying there's some left on the spray aperture that can get rubbed off onto your hands and then if you touch your face or eyes it can get pretty ugly. Even on bare skin the stuff I use feels like a blowtorch burn. Ouch!

I carry three decontamination wipes with me. I paid a $1.50 for each wipe and worth every penny. I think I paid about $5.00 for the belt clip holder. Also, worth every ... The 4 oz cans cost about $15.00.

In all my dog attack experiences, I've never had one lunge upon me while pedaling. After reading this thread I realize that day may come... It's been my experience when come at me, the attacking dogs seem to get a bit distracted by the action of my pedaling and are not immediately able to decide how to go about biting me. This is the time I use to spray them into leaving me alone. Of course, I try to discourage them from getting that close by spraying well beforehand if I know they're coming. It's the quiet ones I don't realize are coming that really scare the devil out of me...

And yes, I've had a few dog owners watch their dogs come hurtling out their yards after me and utter not a word - until they see the spray can in my hand. Then, a few of them have yelled at ME for defending myself.

Presumably, in their opinion, I ought to let the dog bite. Or, perhaps they assume he's only going to chase and not bite, but how am I supposed to be assured that's the case when it's a pit/rott/ridgeback/dober/German shep/ fill in the blank - that can do serious harm?

All that said, I don't always spray all dogs that come after me. Some dogs do just want to chase for fun and these I can generally intuit as harmless, but if I have doubt, I spray.
by Abraham
Wed Dec 08, 2010 10:39 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Broke a rule....
Replies: 50
Views: 8746

Re: Broke a rule....

I too cycle for fitness and do so well out in the country.

I carry a 4 oz. can of Freeze Plus P in a belt clip holder on my cycling trips. This is a very potent pepper/tear gas stream spray. I also maintain a very close watch on the road for loose dogs. If I see a loose one, I always pull the spray off my belt and keep it handy, just in case...

I've sprayed many, many dogs over the years. I've tried Fox Labs with mixed results. Freeze Plus P has never failed me. I've stopped just about every kind of attacking dog out there. I've learned a Z pattern spray works best and a few times, as I'm pedaling to get away from an attacking dog, I've simply just sprayed underhanded without looking behind me with great effect. I almost always feel bad when I have to spray a dog as I think it's not the poor critters fault - it's the owners for not training and restraining. Fortunately, the dog isn't injured by this action, but simply taught a painful lesson. Rarely do strays bother me as I guess they're too busy trying to survive and have little energy to chase a guy on a bike.

Certainly, on occasion dogs get loose after the owner has done his best to keep the dogs under control, but if that happens the owner can't expect people to simply let their dogs potentially bite the innocent passersby. People have a right to protect themselves and the owner should understand this.

The irresponsible owner that blithely lets his dog roam the streets can't care much about his animal. If the same owner gets outraged over his dog being sprayed or shot should look in the mirror for whose at fault...

P.S. I would never recommend getting off your bike if a dog comes after you. Pedal away as quickly and as safely you can with your spray at the ready.

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