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by Abraham
Sun Dec 26, 2010 11:40 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Stopped in Katy
Replies: 25
Views: 4887

Re: Stopped in Katy

In the distant past, I cheerfully filled in every request for personal information when such was requested for banking or medical or fill in the blank, but now, unless there's a very good reason, I supply such information very judiciously. And yes, there have been a few occasions where I've had to forego the service or product because I was unwilling to trade in my personal information - so be it. They don't get my money and I've had little trouble finding what I need elsewhere.

Rarely do I give out my Social Security number on any application.

Initially, (now it's some years ago when I started leaving off that, that I deemed unnecessary to give out for the service/product rendered) the staff at the various locations acted almost outraged that I would have the temerity to refuse them my personal information. Who do I think I am is the general attitude displayed. Why everyone gives us their personal information - who am I to refuse?

What really amazes me is how few people turn down such requests for personal information.

Just the other day at a hair salon the staff handed out applications (applications? what?) requesting all sorts of personal data. I just glanced at mine and quickly handed it back. I was met with a frosty glare as if I HAD to provide this info. Oddly, most were filling them in.

I guess most would rather give out that they should hold close to their chests, but give out anyway, rather than face the disproving stares of strangers...

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