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by Abraham
Mon Aug 09, 2010 9:45 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Hill Country river float trip -- no gun/lesson learned
Replies: 16
Views: 3653

Re: Hill Country river float trip -- no gun/lesson learned

I recently returned from tubing the Frio.

In a completely waterproof Pelican box I carried my Keltec 32 with a back-up magazine.

It was comfortable to take with me and easily available if need be.

Usually we go in late October and most often there's no one else on the river. Of course, it's rather chilly in the water that time of year so we wear wet suits, booties, gloves...and enjoy tubing in this manner immensely.

This year, it was not possible to go in October and the August crowds on the river were huge with many packing vast coolers brimming with cans of beer.

As I was the lone male with four women, I thought it prudent to carry.

As it turned out everyone on the river, drunk or sober, behaved quite well and so things turned out fine, but having some protection with us made all feel more comfortable.

While I knew there would be more people on the river this time of year, I had no clue just how very many would be - so I learned my lesson. Go when the water is COLD and avoid the crowds or don't go...

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