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by Abraham
Sat Mar 06, 2010 11:41 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Range Safety Violations
Replies: 34
Views: 6110

Re: Range Safety Violations

I've trained a few family members to pistol shoot.

That said, no pistol is handled until they've understood the theory (if you will...) of "safe pistol handling" in all it's aspects. Until I'm positive it's thoroughly drilled into them - they don't get close to a pistol. Doing this requires time, but it's well spent.

After this phase, I then teach them pistol handling - without a round in the chamber. All the while scrutinizing them for "safe pistol handling". If there's a safety slip-up, we're still O.K...but, it's at this phase I will shut down the training if they have a safety slip-up and tell them they're not ready. (it's never happened, as I drill them relentlessly prior to this time, but if it ever does happen, I will shut them down until a later time)

By the time we get to the range, they're highly safety conscious.

When we arrive at the range the pistol is finally loaded with one round and one round only.
If they perform safely and confidently, we eventually move on to two bullets and so on.

So far, this method has produced safe, quality shooters.

P.S. The "verbal only safety training" begins a month or more before actual pistol handling starts. Part of the training consists of impromptu quizzes about safe pistol handling. This repetition goes a long way to ingrain safe pistol handling.

When I started doing the quizzes I expected exasperation as I did them a lot - but, to everyone's credit, no on complained or showed me any impatience.

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