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by lawrnk
Fri Jun 20, 2008 9:23 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Gutsy good guy stops bank robbery
Replies: 30
Views: 4342

Re: Gutsy good guy stops bank robbery

I worked for a bomb disposal company for 5 years in Stafford, TX.
I know enough about dead man's switches to have let him take the banks money and scram. What was not mentioned here also was the possibility of an accomplice behind the CHL. I'm glad it worked out for this CHL. I simply might have done it differently.
HerbM wrote:
lawrnk wrote:If they threaten me personally, I'll defend myself. But yes, the CHL made a poor decision.
A threat to detonate a bomb in the room you are in is a threat to you, but let's work through it logically:

1) You are certain bad guy does NOT have a bomb

2) You are certain bad guy has a bomb
a) He does not have a detonator in his hands (yet)

b) He has a detonator in his hands but is not holding down the trigger
i) finger is on or effectively on/near trigger
ii) finger is away from the trigger substantially

c) He has a detonator in his hands AND is holding down the trigger

3) You are not sure if the bad guy has a bomb or not

In case 1 the guy is threatening you (and remember your FRIENDS in the bank in this case) -- take him down. This seems to be what he actually did.

In case 3, you need to gather more information, and try to resolve the situation to one of the other cases; and weigh your uncertainty against your assessment that the situation will worse (finger on trigger) or improve (he'll leave or you will determine the situation is safer). But if you can satisfy yourself that he has no access to the trigger you can treat this as "has a bomb but hand but no trigger".

2 is more complicated but basically they come down to you can stop him BEFORE he is ABLE to access the trigger.

This was case the fellow did not have a trigger device. Neutralize him BEFORE he can produce or access one.

Neutralization can be a brain stem shot or merely subdue him but above all you must not allow the BG to worsen your position or the situation.

He seems to have done just fine -- and we certainly cannot say he did badly.
by lawrnk
Thu Jun 19, 2008 10:34 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Gutsy good guy stops bank robbery
Replies: 30
Views: 4342

Re: Gutsy good guy stops bank robbery

israel67 wrote:
seamusTX wrote:Canton, Michigan (Detroit area): A man allegedly tried to rob a bank, claiming that he had a bomb. A customer who is a Michigan CCW holder drew a 9 mm pistol and told the robber to stop. The robber obviously did not have a plan B (nor a bomb) and was arrested.
The startled [robber] countered with, "but, I have a bomb" -- but Fawzi wasn't impressed. "I don't care. You are not robbing this bank!" was the reply from the other side of the gun.
I saw that on XD talk, and was amazed at the number of people who criticised the CHL for intervening! Is it really a case of 'I'm all right, Jack!' or 'don't get involved' everywhere??
My obligation in life is to be around for my wife and son. I will stand idly by if someone robs a bank. If they threaten me personally, I'll defend myself. But yes, the CHL made a poor decision.

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