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by lawrnk
Mon Jan 07, 2008 9:42 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Letter in the Dallas Morning News along with my Reply Letter
Replies: 23
Views: 3233

Re: Letter in the Dallas Morning News along with my Reply Letter

Another response to Galvestons paper ... d6e557fdf7

Joe Horn of Pasadena shot and killed two men suspected of breaking into a neighbor’s home.

Vigilante Justice Isn’t The Law Of The Land

In response to Tom Hildebrand’s letter “America needs more killer vigilantes� (The Daily News, Jan. 3): Your home has been invaded three times. Sounds like you need a better security system. And, no, family heirlooms are not worth killing over.

All of us will die someday, and we won’t be taking these material possessions into our graves, will we? Aren’t our experiences more important?

Sometimes deadly force is necessary — I totally agree. But not on men fleeing a neighbor’s home. If they had shot and killed these burglars, the public (well, not you) would have been all over the cops for their actions. You don’t think our prisons would be full if more people shot these “scum’s of the earth,� but I disagree.

The courts and police cases would certainly be clogged with cases such as Joe Horn’s. People should use common sense and discharge their weapons on others only when they feel their life is in danger, but I don’t think Horn’s life was in danger at that particular time.

His neighbor (if he was home) had every right to kill these guys. Horn did do one thing right — he called 911.

Robert English


Some Laws Don’t Seem Fair

Regarding Tom Hildebrand’s thoughts on the incident with Joe Horn’s actions (“America needs more vigilantes,� The Daily News, Jan. 3), I probably couldn’t agree more. But I have to say I have only listened to the 911 call on the computer and kind of had mixed feelings.

He basically took the law into his own hands after being repeatedly given instructions by the law on the law. I kind of feel sad for him as he self-incriminated by calling the police in the first place and threatened actions that he would take if officers did not respond to his sense of timing. After all, it was not his house, and he did say he did not know his neighbors that well.

The laws have changed so much in every aspect. I have had to learn myself — some laws just don’t seem fair but must be abided by. I do wish Mr. Horn luck.

Rosalynn Muir

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