I hear ya, if that witch/criminal would've won, I bet she would've made it a law to fill them dam things out. LOL.Abraham wrote:WildBill,
At this point I don't remember. It's been 6 years plus since I bought the ext. warranty.
I could look it up if you want me to, but I remember it was another Toyota dealership located in Illinois, I think...but why I chose them or how, other than the cost is something me old noggin won't digest.
Given the large number of computerized gizmos in every vehicle now an extended warranty is a good investment no matter the make.
I recently had some sort of anti-lock brake thinga-ma-jig go bad and to replace it with labor and part replacement (computerized of course) cost nearly $3000.00. If I recall (roughly correct) the extended warranty cost about $1000.00 with no deductible. I am so glad I bought it.
My only complaint (mentioned in a previous thread) is the annoying email surveys (plural) and just this past Friday some Toyota entity mailed me a letter wanting more information. I filed it the round file drawer.
Honestly, the way they demand information you'd think I worked for them, I must comply, resistance is futile...my eye... or some other part of me...
I had almost the same thing but it was a light that came on directly located under the RPM needle that said TRAC OFF. (Should I be offended when my truck tells me to TRAC OFF?) Lol. Luckily, I have a very honest mechanic that I've been dealing with for 12 years and I trust him. He said dont worry about it, has something to do with emissions and computer. He told me go ahead and drive it and scheduled it to come to him in 3 days. Well, the light went out by itself before I could take it in to him. He said dont worry about driving it, no worries. I just wonder if I would have got the same response from the dealer. Dunno. But I bet just that 1 light would be worth the extended warranty.
On a side note, I took my truck into dealer for maintenance (it was free) and while there, truck was running, door open and that beeping from the seat belt (not being buckled) was annoying as all get out. They asked if I wanted to disable it, and of course I said YES. They brought computer out, hooked it up and disabled that annoying sound. They tweeked a few other settings and while it doesnt change the performance, it sure makes life easier. I always buckle up when driving and dont need no stinking beeping noise to remind me. haha.