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by Mxrdad
Wed Nov 30, 2016 5:07 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Levi's CEO: Please don't bring guns into our stores
Replies: 86
Views: 33541

Re: Levi's CEO: Please don't bring guns into our stores

philip964 wrote:
george wrote:Switched from Levi's when they decided to stop supporting the boy scouts.
Exactly. I as well. My boycott of Levi's started in 1992.

My list of boycotted brands, stores and people is getting pretty long.

My latest is Kellogg who decided to pull their advertising from Brietbart.
I hear ya. Cant keep with all the ones coming out against firearms. Man, this election really brought the cuke-a-roches out of the wood works huh? How do you keep from supporting the big ones though? Like Pepsi. They own Taco Bell, Pizza Hut and many others. I would bet Kellogg is the same, hard to know what and who they own????? This has turned out to be a lot of work!

Edited to figure out how the heck to spell cuke-a-roches. LOL. I guess it would be easier to say cockroaches.
by Mxrdad
Wed Nov 30, 2016 4:01 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Levi's CEO: Please don't bring guns into our stores
Replies: 86
Views: 33541

Re: Levi's CEO: Please don't bring guns into our stores

bblhd672 wrote:Any Levis jeans I own were given to me. I only buy Wrangler jeans, mostly because they fit better and cost less.

Now the Levis may have to go to the Goodwill store.
I wouldnt even do that. I would rather cut em up and make rags out of em. I wouldnt want them on the street. :cheers2:

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