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by gtolbert09
Wed Sep 05, 2018 8:10 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Levi's CEO: Please don't bring guns into our stores
Replies: 86
Views: 32799

Re: Levi's CEO: Please don't bring guns into our stores ... y-silently
“You may wonder why a company that doesn’t manufacture or sell guns is wading into this issue, but for us, it’s simple,” Bergh wrote. “Americans shouldn’t have to live in fear of gun violence. It’s an issue that affects all of us — all generations and all walks of life."
He added that he is not advocating to repeal the 2nd Amendment nor calling gun owners irresponsible.

"We can’t insulate ourselves from every threat," Bergh wrote. "We can’t 'harden' every place we gather — whether it be our schools, workplaces, shops, churches, or entertainment venues. But we can take common-sense, measurable steps — like criminal background checks on all gun sales — that will save lives."
Apparently he has no idea what the current laws are.
by gtolbert09
Wed Nov 30, 2016 12:58 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Levi's CEO: Please don't bring guns into our stores
Replies: 86
Views: 32799

Levi's CEO: Please don't bring guns into our stores

The CEO of Levi's is asking customers and employees not to bring guns into its stores, offices or facilities, even in states where it's legal.

Levi Strauss & Co. President and CEO Chip Bergh writes Wednesday in an open letter posted on LinkedIn that a customer was injured in a Levi's store recently after the customer's own gun inadvertently went off. Bergh says the presence of firearms in stores creates an "unsettling environment" for many of its employees and customers.

He says the San Francisco-based company isn't banning guns, just requesting people not bring them into its places of business. Bergh writes that "trying to enforce a ban could potentially undermine the purpose of the ban itself: safety."

He says the company hopes "responsible gun owners will respect our position." ... our-stores

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