I guess the no smoking sign only refers to cigarettes since that is what is displayed. I guess pipes, cigars, bongs, ect.... are all ok since that is what the picture displays. The gunbuster and smoking buster signs are IMHO universal symbols that mean no firearms and no smoking. YMMV.NotRPB wrote:Here's a 30.05 sign I'd ignore with my handgun and license, but probably would apply to a rifle(f) It is a defense to prosecution under this section that:
(1) the basis on which entry on the property or land or in the building was forbidden is that entry with a handgun was forbidden; and
(2) the person was carrying:
(A) a license issued under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code, to carry a handgun; and
(B) a handgun:
(i) in a concealed manner; or
(ii) in a shoulder or belt holster.
The cigarette-buster sign to me indicates a WISH, not the force of law, same as gunbuster signs.
(There may or may not be a city ordinance regarding smoking in buildings, but that sign isn't citing any such ordinance, nor do most gunbuster signs I've seen)
I am not talking about 30.06 or30.07 in regards to LTC. I am talking about concealment of a rifle and how that is applied to a gunbuster (no firearms) sign.