It appears that it is not every Doubletree (Hilton Hotel) that is posted. I contacted the association that hosts the meeting I attend every year at the Doubletree at I35 & Hwy 290 and made them aware of Jerry Patterson's letter. The Doubletree in his letter is Downtown. Below is part of the response I recieved from what the assococition learned from their host hotel.OnTexasTime wrote:For several years I have spent two nights in October in the Doubletree I35 & Hwy, Austin, for training. They were not posted last year, sure hope it is resolved before next year or I might not be going.
"The Doubletree Guest Suites is managed by Hilton Hotels Corporation and they very well may have this policy at their managed hotels. This Doubletree is a franchise and is managed by Interstate Hotels and Resorts. As prohibiting concealed weapons in Hilton Hotels is not a brand standard, we are not required to comply and currently do not have this policy."
James Prendeville | General Manager
Doubletree Hotel Austin
6505 IH-35 North, Austin , TX 78752
It will be interesting to learn what Mr. Patterson learns about the Doubletree he refers to.